
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Piggy Heads to Melbourne

Who ever said Piggy's dont fly. Well this Piggy is flying straight in to Melbourne on Sunday. It has been a long long time since she's graced our shores and it will be nothing short of being fun, fun, fun!

Piggy, I have it all planned. It is everything but scary as you so aptly put it :-) We will drink, then drink and then drink some more, no I'm just kidding! It is a shame you're not bringing the little Piggy with you. And yes, everyone is dying to see the Little Piggy more!! I'm so excited thinking of how much we get to catch up with our girlie talks and nonsensical chatter when you get here. You people that come from Malaysia are so lucky you can get such cheap tickets, I mean RM$1500 for a return flight is amazing on a decent airline and not a budget one. I can only wish it were the same here in Australia.

So, get your dancing shoes ready so we can paint the town red!