Vue De Monde SUCKS!

Food = 5/10
Customer Service = 4/10
Atmosphere = 7/10
Firstly, the booking for dinner was made about 6 weeks ago & I specified that one member of my party was allergic to egg, so it was imperative that no egg should be served to this person at all. We had a 10 course dinner and at the presentation of each course, we asked if it contained egg (just to be 110% sure). Each time, the waiter firmly said "no egg, dont worry". At the last course, thinking we had harrassed the waiter enough, we didnt bother repeating ourselves again by asking if it contained egg. Low and behold, you guessed it, the Wagyu Beef was served with egg sauce! Now, my workmate has a severe allergy to egg. Her throat will start to swell which will cause her to stop breathing, so needless to say the ramifications were critical. At close to $200 per head, you would think there wouldnt be communication errors of this kind. Thankfully, the "victim" was ok. She had to down 5 bread rolls to counter the allergy reaction (something to do with the enzymes in the bread??). Anyway, this was not the end of my traumatic Vue De Monde experience. When the final dessert was served, the waitress spilled 2 pieces of cake on the table. Yes, we are only human, we make mistakes and accidents happen. But must I repeat myself? At $200 per head, I think my table deserved atleast an apology for this. All the waitress offered when she dropped the dessert was "oops!", then she promptly walked off. No apology and she didnt even come back to clear the table! I knew I had to say something to the manager of this so-called classy restaurant. My CEO insisted I say something anyway. After my less than pleasant comments to the manager, he offered the "victim's" meal for free. He was very apologetic and I appreciated his acceptance of my feedback. But my traumatic experience does not end there, as we were leaving, one of the waiters tried to kill me by pushing me down the stairs! This is my story and I'm sticking to it! I had been walking up and down these stairs all night to go to the smoking area and had no problems at all. But as I was leaving, the waiter decides to grab my arm thinking he was helping me down the stairs. Do I look like a cripple that I need assistance down the stairs??? I saw him coming for me and I didnt want him to touch me but too late, I'm sure he pushed me because I fell flat on my arse! Now, if he was supposed to be assisting me, shouldnt he have caught me before I fell? So, my theory is right, he tried to kill me because I made all those complaints to the manager!!!! Never again will I step foot in Vue De monde and I would not even recommend it to my worst enemy. If you are after a restaurant with a similar degustation menu, then you must try Tetsuya's in Sydney. The food is magnificent and the service is impeccable. The price is the same as Vue De Monde, but I would gladly pay double to dine there again.
I need a breather after this long entry. My weekend doesnt end there. More goss ahead. Will come back to it a bit later today.
I had a very good experience at Vue De Monde, they are good!!!