
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine Schmalentine

Valentine schmalentine.....what is the big fuss over Valentine's Day? For those who are attached, shouldnt everyday be Valentine's Day? And for those who are single, why the pressure to find yourself a date on Valentine's Day? I dont get it. Everything is over priced today. Roses, normally a dime a dozen are probably $50 a dozen today. Meals, normally $20 per head will probably cost $50 per person. Dont get me wrong. I'm not against this auspicious day. I am a true romantic at heart (I'd like to think anyway). But some of you will agree, this day is just over rated and it's becoming a money making scam more than a symbol of romance. Then there is the question of what is an appropriate Valentine's gift. If you've only been with the person for two weeks, what should you buy? If you've been with the person for six months, what should you buy? What if you've been together for 6 years, do you even still celebrate Valentine's Day? I'd rather receive a bunch of roses any other day than Valentine's Day. Getting flowers on Valentine's Day makes me feel like the giver is obligated to buy flowers as a gesture for remembering it's Valentine's Day. Why cant I get flowers on other days? For no apparent reason, just for the sake of it.

My dear friend Princess Model sent me these Valentine's Day cards today. An ironic twist on a romantic day. And they're funny too.

Hope everyone out there has their own way of celebrating this day. I'm looking forward to my hot date tonight! For those who are attached, may everyday be Valentine's Day for you.


  1. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Valentines's Day is a day to celebrate your love & using a "too commercial" excuse is just that - an excuse!
    Chocolates are expensive at Easter, Sales start right after Xmas, we celebreta birthday's ever year, isnt your birthday everyday??Tehcnically YES!
    So all your scrooges and tightarses out there that cant make an effort on one day of the year and use the excuse that love should be celebrated everyday.......SHOW ME THE LOVE, bocs i dont believe that it is shown everyday!
    Poor excuses from poor souls without a heart!

    And since i know this will be a reply from some smart arse out there, let me save you the trouble:

    Q: Who would've thought Ballbreaker was so romantic & passionate about LOVE?
    A: Only those lucky enough to be LOVED by me!

  2. Someone please take Ball Breaker out on a date and give her flowers..she's losing her mind!

    Oh, and moral of the story is buy those chocolates during the after Xmas sale and keep 'em till Valentine's Day....good idea :)

  3. Anonymous6:28 PM

    If a man ever gives me cheap expired chocolate, they are off my list!

    Ah bengs out there, application is open to be loved by the Ball Breaker!

  4. Anonymous7:52 PM

    get ballbreaker an indian...chocolate popsicle all year round!! oinks

  5. Chocolate popsicle? Muahahaha.. :D
    M on a mission now to find Ball Breaker a big chocolate popsicle!

  6. Anonymous12:50 PM

    i LOVE big chocolate popsicles - actually i live in hope of one day having a big chocolate popsicle! Ave only been gettin fucken small caramels lately...!

  7. Nasty nasty....caramel isnt too bad, is it?

  8. Anonymous1:27 PM


  9. Err...Is Azamat a chocolate or caramel popsicle?

